Monday, 11 June 2007

Monday, what can I say :{

No hot water for starters. But. I'm an old hand at living maplotter style so it was out with the gas and 'voila!', one hot bath with bubbles and a lekker cup of coffee for good measure. Still made it to work on time.
Work, work, work,. (the commas are my legit smoke breaks)
Offered security chap a lift home and, on route, got a call from MD (Minister of Defense; Medical Director, Major Dad, My Darling) that he was taking young patient to Unitas. Got home, fed dogs, shoved a cheese roll in my face, started laundry (um, this list gets long), when MD called and explained he was stranded at Unitas - his car was at patients house. Mad dash to hospital sans sirens. Finally got to put my feet up only after 9pm... and missed half of CSI.
At this rate, I could go into sleep therapy for two years and still not have caught up.
Patient will recover quickly.
Can't say the same for my bank balance (that should read deficit). EVERYBODY has decided to have a birthday, going away, house warming, mid winter, whatever thang this month. Me included. Darn.
If you're considering getting me a pressie, my wish list includes Nytol, Sleepeeze and a comfy pillow. No alarm clocks.

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