Sunday, 17 June 2007

Another year older and deeper in debt.

Time to reflect

Things I don’t want to do
Bungee jump
Be in a large crowd
Go to jail

Things I’d like to do
Travel overseas
Touch real snow
Enjoy a honeymoon
Experience a spa pamper session with the works
Give up smoking
Write a best selling book
Own and drive a ‘green’ car
Hold my grandchild

Things I don’t want to do again
Get motherless drunk
Getting taken for granted
Get in serious debt
Face an elephants stampede and the car won’t start
Being shot at or hijacked
Being assaulted by bereaved parent
Having to call the cops
Delivering another sick baby and the mom is dying of AIDS

Things I’m glad I did although it was tough
Being a foster Mom
Training as an Emergency Medic
Leaving an abusive relationship
Taking responsibility for serious debt and paying off every last cent, interest included.
Ran a marathon
Leaving a bad, destructive job with no new job ready and waiting
Confronting alcoholic family
Euthenizing our badly injured and sick animals
Saying NO and sticking with it

And the Best
My friend, partner, husband (not enough words to describe this awesome man)
My daughter (melts my heart and pushes my buttons)
My mom (my anchor, the strongest woman I know)
Being nuzzled so gently by a wild giraffe
Being adored and weighed down by our dogs and cats
Laughing with friends, usually into the wee hours of the morning

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